- What factors determine whether or not you are eligible for spousal support?
- Am I eligible for spousal support?
- Am I entitled to spousal support?
- Are domestic partnerships recognized in all states?
- Are grandparents entitled to visitation rights in California?
- Are modifications to child custody and child visitation orders allowed?
- Are modifications to spousal support and alimony orders allowed?
- Are prenuptial agreements enforceable in California?
- Are there alternatives to divorce?
- Are There Benefits to Divorce Mediation?
- Are you guaranteed visitation to your children in California?
- Can a child support order be adjusted after it has been set?
- Can a child support order in California be modified?
- Can a joint tax return be filed even after we’ve filed for divorce?
- Can a parent deny a grandparent visitation?
- Can a parent refuse to allow a grandparent visitation in California?
- Can a parent relocate with a child without the other parent’s consent?
- Can a temporary custody order be changed?
- Can an ex-spouse be charged with domestic violence?
- Can anyone apply for a domestic violence restraining order?
- Can both the spouse that is paying alimony and the spouse that is receiving it request a support modification?
- Can child custody and visitation orders get changed?
- Can child custody orders be changed?
- Can children pick what parent they want to live with?
- Can custody and visitation agreements be modified?
- Can grandparents be granted visitation in California?
- Can grandparents pay child support?
- Can grandparents seek custody or visitation rights in California?
- Can grandparents sue for visitation in California?
- Can I alter my divorce decree after it has been finalized?
- Can I be served divorce papers while on active duty?
- Can I change my mind after filing for divorce?
- Can I change my spousal support order if my situation changes?
- Can I deny my ex visitation to our child?
- Can I deny my ex-spouse visitation?
- Can I get a summary dissolution of my marriage if I was married less than 5 years?
- Can I get a summary dissolution of my marriage?
- Can I get a summary dissolution?
- Can I get an annulment?
- Can I get money if someone’s dog bites me?
- Can I get my child custody order changed?
- Can I get my child support order modified if my situation changes?
- Can I get my marriage annulled due to fraud?
- Can I get my marriage annulled due to incest?
- Can I get my marriage annulled?
- Can I go to jail for not paying child support?
- Can I modify an existing child custody order in California?
- Can I modify my child custody order?
- Can I modify my child support order?
- Can I modify my divorce decree in California after it’s finalized?
- Can I modify my spousal support agreement if my financial situation changes?
- Can I modify my spousal support order?
- Can I relocate with my child if I have primary custody?
- Can I represent myself in a divorce case?
- Can I request that my spouse pays my legal fees for the divorce?
- Can I Self Represent in a Divorce Case?
- Can I self-represent during a divorce proceeding?
- Can I self-represent myself in my divorce?
- Can I stop my child from seeing their other parent if there isn’t a court order stating so?
- Can I sue for long-term medical costs from a bus accident?
- Can my child decide to stop seeing their other parent even if there is a court order granting visitation?
- Can my ex be jailed for falling behind on child support payments?
- Can My Ex Leave the State with My Child?
- Can my ex-wife get my military retirement if she remarries?
- Can my marriage be annulled if I was coerced into it via fraud?
- Can my marriage be annulled if someone forced me into it?
- Can one party stop a divorce?
- Can pensions be comingled?
- Can post-judgment modifications be made to family law orders in California?
- Can step-parents be required to provide child support in California?
- Can the court reject my Judgment papers?
- Can the custody agreement be modified if my former spouse is relocating out of state?
- Can visitation be withheld from parents?
- Can we each keep our own pensions in the divorce?
- Can we each keep our pension in the divorce?
- Can you get a default divorce if your spouse is in the military?
- Can you stop a divorce once it’s been filed?
- Can you withdraw a divorce once it is filed?
- Do child custody decisions play a role in calculating spousal support?
- Do ex-wives get military benefits?
- Do grandparents have any legal rights?
- Do grandparents have custody rights?
- Do I have to pay child support as soon as my spouse files for divorce?
- Do I need a lawyer for a divorce in California?
- Do I need a lawyer to deal with a pension in my divorce?
- Do I need a prenuptial agreement?
- Do I need to get a prenuptial agreement?
- Do I need to get an attorney for an uncontested divorce?
- Do I need to hire an attorney for my divorce?
- Do I need to tell my divorce attorney the whole truth even if there are some things that I would like to keep to myself?
- Do I Really Need to Hire a Divorce Attorney?
- Do the courts consider custody arrangements when determining alimony?
- Do the courts consider domestic violence when determining spousal support?
- Do the courts consider the length of a marriage when determining spousal support?
- Do the courts grant grandparents visitation rights?
- Does child support take into account child care costs?
- Does child support take into account the time spent with each parent?
- Does legal separation officially end my marriage?
- Does living together with a new partner impact the amount of alimony received in California?
- Does my marriage qualify for an annulment?
- Does the California Guideline Child Support Calculation Formula calculate the final amount for child support?
- Does the length of the marriage matter in alimony calculations?
- How can a domestic violence restraining order protect me?
- How can I enforce a child support order if the other parent is not paying in California?
- How can I get my marriage annulled?
- How can I reduce my alimony payments in California?
- How can mediation help in my California family law case?
- How do courts in California determine alimony or spousal support?
- How do courts in California view domestic partnerships in family law matters?
- How do debts get divided in a divorce?
- How do I challenge a move-away petition?
- How do I file to become a registered domestic partner?
- How do I get information about my spouse’s finances if they are not forthcoming?
- How do I start the annulment process?
- How do prenuptial agreements affect divorce proceedings in California?
- How do you go about getting Grandparents Rights?
- How do you start a separation process?
- How does ‘legal separation’ differ from divorce in California?
- How does a military divorce work?
- How does alimony get determined?
- How does California approach marital property division during divorce?
- How does California determine child custody in divorce cases?
- How does California determine spousal support in a divorce case?
- How does California determine the amount of child support?
- How does California differentiate between legal and physical custody?
- How does California factor in domestic abuse when deciding on child custody?
- How does California law handle child custody in cases of divorce?
- How does California view prenuptial and postnuptial agreements?
- How does child support get calculated?
- How does child support get calculated?
- How does spousal support work?
- How is a military divorce different?
- How is child support calculated in California?
- How is child support calculated in the State of California?
- How is child support calculated?
- How is child support determined in California?
- How is paternity established?
- How is property divided during a divorce in California?
- How is property divided in a California divorce?
- How is the division of assets handled in a divorce in California?
- How is the parent-child relationship established when parents are not married?
- How long can you hold divorce papers?
- How long do I have to sign divorce papers?
- How long does a paternity case take in California?
- How long does a typical divorce process take in California?
- How long does alimony last?
- How long does child support get paid?
- How long does it take to get a divorce in California if both parties agree?
- How long does it take to get divorced in California?
- How long does spousal support get paid?
- How long does spousal support or alimony last in California?
- How long is a default divorce proceeding postponed while a service member is on active duty?
- How much child support should I expect to pay?
- How much does it cost to get a divorce in California?
- I’ve been served with divorce papers. What should I do?
- If I am not the father do I need a paternity lawyer?
- If I moved, where should I file for divorce?
- If my spouse was the main earner in the marriage, can I request that they pay my legal fees for the divorce?
- In what instance can you get an alimony modification?
- In what instance do grandparents have visitation rights?
- Is an inheritance considered separate property?
- Is experience all that matters when hiring a divorce attorney?
- Is it better to separate or divorce?
- Is it ever okay to ignore a court order regarding child custody?
- Is it possible for grandparents in California to obtain visitation rights?
- Is it possible to change a spousal support agreement in California?
- Is mediation a viable option for family disputes in California?
- Is my ex-spouse entitled to my military retirement even after remarriage?
- Is My Ex-Wife Entitled to My Military Benefits?
- Is my spouse entitled to any property I purchase after we have separated?
- Is there a benefit to establishing parentage?
- Is there a difference between legal and physical child custody?
- Is there a residency requirement to file for divorce in California?
- Is there a way to regain parental rights after they’ve been terminated in California?
- My spouse and I have only been married for a few weeks. Can I file for an annulment?
- Should I accept the first offer an insurance company provides for a burn injury?
- Should I call a personal injury attorney if I am electrocuted due to faulty wiring?
- Should I file for divorce first?
- Should I get a divorce checklist?
- Should I get a lawyer for my divorce?
- Should I get an attorney for an uncontested divorce?
- Should I tell my divorce lawyer everything?
- The parent who pays child support is in jail. Do they still have to pay?
- We each have a pension. Can we just keep our own in a divorce settlement?
- What are my divorce options in California?
- What are my options for divorce?
- What are my rights as a father in a California custody dispute?
- What are possible reasons to request a support modification?
- What are some common reasons for a child support modification?
- What are the benefits of establishing parentage?
- What are the common reasons for a pre-nuptial agreement?
- What are the different types of alimony?
- What are the different types of property rights in California?
- What are the different types of visitation rights?
- What are the grounds for an annulment?
- What are the legal reasons for an annulment?
- What are the legal rights of unmarried parents in California?
- What are the requirements of a properly drafted pre-nuptial agreement?
- What can I do if I cannot afford a divorce attorney but my spouse can?
- What considerations are made in California when setting up alimony?
- What considerations are made while setting child support amounts in California?
- What constitutes “community property” in California’s divorce law?
- What county should I file for divorce in if I have moved recently?
- What different agreements typically need to be reached in a divorce settlement?
- What distinguishes a legal separation from a divorce in California’s legal system?
- What documents will I need to show my divorce attorney?
- What does “community property” mean in a California divorce?
- What does a pre-nuptial agreement need to have to be considered valid?
- What does it mean to establish paternity in California?
- What does it take for a pre-nuptial agreement to be considered valid?
- What does spousal support encompass in California?
- What does the legal term ‘best interest of the child’ mean in California custody cases?
- What factors affect alimony calculations?
- What factors affect spousal support calculations?
- What factors does a court consider when granting child custody?
- What factors go into a child support calculation?
- What factors go into a spousal support calculation?
- What happens if I filed for divorce and change my mind?
- What happens if my request for an annulment is denied by the court?
- What happens if my request for an annulment is denied?
- What happens if my spouse or domestic partner does not agree to a divorce?
- What happens if my spouse refuses to sign divorce papers?
- What happens when both parents are unfit or unable to have physical custody of a child?
- What is a contested divorce?
- What is a no fault divorce?
- What is a summary dissolution?
- What is a temporary order in a divorce?
- What is an uncontested divorce?
- What is comingled property?
- What is community property?
- What is considered separate property in a divorce?
- What is legal custody?
- What is legal separation?
- What is permanent alimony?
- What is physical custody?
- What is rehabilitative alimony?
- What is spousal support?
- What is supervised visitation?
- What is temporary alimony?
- What is the California Guideline Child Support Calculation Formula?
- What is the difference between domestic partnership and marriage?
- What is the difference between legal and physical custody in California?
- What is the difference between legal custody and physical custody of a child?
- What is the difference between physical and legal custody of a child?
- What is the difference between physical and legal custody?
- What is the minimum wait time for a divorce in California?
- What is the process for obtaining a restraining order in California?
- What is the role of mediation in California family law disputes?
- What is the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act?
- What is transitional alimony?
- What questions should I ask a divorce attorney before hiring them?
- What rights do grandparents have for visiting their grandchildren in California?
- What should I consider before requesting a modification to a custody order in California?
- What should I do if I get served divorce papers?
- What should I do if my spouse serves me with divorce papers?
- What should I look for in a child custody attorney?
- What should I look for in a child support attorney?
- What should I look for in a divorce attorney?
- What should my pre-nuptial agreement include?
- What should you not do during separation?
- What terms can a prenuptial agreement include?
- What types of restraining order can help victims of domestic violence?
- What types of restraining orders can be used to provide immediate help to victims of domestic violence?
- What’s the difference between legal and physical custody for children?
- What’s the role of a mediator in a California family law dispute?
- When can a divorced spouse collect a military pension?
- When can I file for a child custody modification?
- When can I file for a child support modification?
- When can I file for a spousal support modification?
- When can I file for an annulment?
- When can I request a change to my alimony?
- When can I request a change to my child custody order?
- When can I request a child custody modification?
- When can I request a child support modification?
- When can I request a modification to my child support order?
- When can I request a spousal support modification?
- When does the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act apply?
- When is spousal support terminated in California?
- Who can apply for a domestic violence restraining order?
- Who gets to keep the engagement ring if an engagement is broken before marriage?
- Who gets to stay in the house during separation?
- Who pays for a divorce?
- Who qualifies for a summary dissolution?
- Why do couples consider legal separation?
- Why should I hire a lawyer to handle my divorce?
- Why would I need to get a pre-nuptial agreement?
- Will adultery affect my divorce settlement?
- Will I have to pay my spouse’s attorney fees in our divorce?
- Will legal separation end my marriage?
- Will the military move a spouse after a divorce?
Everything you need to know about working with Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP as your family law attorney
What are the hourly rates at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP?
Attorney – $400 per hour
Paralegal – $110 per hour
Clerical – $50 per hour
How much is a consultation at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP?
Our firm charges $60 for an initial client consultation. This entitles you to an hour of the attorney’s time. While other firms may offer a free initial consultation, that appointment is often with a staff member or limited to 15 minutes with the attorney. We prefer to book all consultations with one of the partners to provide you better service and high-quality advice.
What is a retainer and how much are retainers at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP?
A retainer is a deposit towards fees charged by an attorney or their staff for work on your case. Retainers vary within our firm between $2,500 and $5,000, with the amount depending on the amount of work needed when the client initially retains our services.
What courts can Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP appear in for me?
The attorneys at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP are licensed to appear in all state courts in California and the local federal court branches. Our firm regularly represents clients in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties in family law matters. Click here to view courthouses on our website.
Does Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP take pro-bono work?
No. If you are seeking pro-bono referrals, please visit your local courthouse. The court clerk’s office has contact information for the local non-profit agencies that offer pro-bono services.
If I live out of state but am having a custody/divorce/support issue in California, can Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP help me?
Yes. Contact our office by phone or email to set up a phone or Skype consultation.
What are the hours of operation for Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP?
Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We do not close for the lunch hour.
What do I do if I just got served with papers?
Seek legal counsel as soon as possible, and be sure you do not miss your deadline to respond. On any court document, the Judicial Council form states how many days you have to respond. For example, on a Summons, a response must be served and filed within 30 days from the day you were served. On an RFO, a responsive declaration must be served and filed at least nine court days before the hearing.