In California, child support is calculated using a statewide formula that considers several factors. These include:
This formula takes into account a variety of basic factors about the family situation:
- Time that each parent has the child in their custody and control
- Gross income of each parent
- Tax filing status of each parent
- Child care costs
- Other mandatory expenses such as health insurance costs, union dues, and support of other children
Expenses that are not covered by the Guideline Calculation include:
- Car payments
- Credit card payments
- Rent or mortgage payments
- Groceries
- Extra-curricular costs
The purpose of the formula is to provide a fair and consistent support amount that reflects the child’s needs and parents’ ability to pay. If you’re navigating child support calculations, you need a skilled child support attorney like Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP to assist you through the process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.