What Are The Most Common Reasons for Getting Divorced?

What Are The Most Common Reasons for Getting Divorced?

If you are wondering what the most common reasons for getting divorced are, Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP is here to break it down for you. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons that couples get divorced and how Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP can help you through the process if that is what you decide is best.

  1. There is a lack of physical attraction
  2. While no one wants to think of this as a reason for divorce, over time couples can see a decline in physical attraction and intimacy. In some relations, both partners are able to accept the decrease or lack of physical intimacy, but others cannot. In those instances, the lack of intimacy can become a big issue and point of contention, ultimately leading one partner to file for divorce.

  3. Constant conflict and arguing
  4. Another common reason for getting divorced is constant conflict and arguing. If one or both parties feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells or are unable to properly communicate, it can lead to serious marital issues. Therapy is always an option to work through communication issues, but often couples that cannot stop arguing decide to get divorced in the end.

  5. Substance abuse or other addictions
  6. Substance abuse and other addictions are another reason that some couples get divorced. Addiction can range from alcohol and sex to work and drugs. Addictions often become the top priority for one person, which can wreak havoc on families. In some instances, the couple can work through the addiction, but the addicted party has to be willing to accept this help and admit they have a problem. This is not always possible, so couples often divorce.

  7. Domestic violence
  8. Domestic violence can also lead to divorce. Domestic violence refers to many different kinds of abuse and if you are being abused in your marriage, you should contact the authorities and seek legal help as quickly as possible.

  9. Financial Issues
  10. Another common reason for divorce is financial issues. This can come in many scenarios, from the stresses of living in poverty to a disparity in earnings. Some couples also disagree on how to save and spend money, which can lead to serious conflicts and eventually divorce.

If you are considering getting divorced it is important to be prepared. Contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP to put yourself in the best position!

If you are thinking about divorce, it is important that you speak with a divorce attorney before telling your spouse. Certain actions should be taken to protect yourself and the attorneys at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP can help walk you through everything. Give us a call today at 909-482-1422 to request an initial consultation so you can protect yourself heading into a divorce.

To learn more about the reliable and quality family law services that we offer, visit us on the web at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP.