Tips for Protecting Your Credit During a Divorce

Tips for Protecting Your Credit During a Divorce

If you are getting divorced there are many things that should be taken into consideration. Not only do you need to worry about child custody, where you will live, and who gets to keep the dog, but you also need to pay attention to your finances. This is especially true for your credit, which doesn’t take much to plummet.

Wondering how you can protect your credit during and after your divorce? Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP have you covered! Keep reading to learn more about different ways to protect your credit when getting divorced.

  1. Be sure to check your credit
  2. You are entitled to a free credit report every year from the credit bureau. It’s a good idea to order yours and know what it says. This report will also list all of the open and closed credit accounts that are in your name so it is good documentation to have as you move through the divorce process.

  3. Note any issues right away
  4. When reviewing your credit report, if you notice any accounts that you are not aware of you should inform your attorney immediately. In some cases, revenge-seeking spouses open credit accounts in the other’s name and rack up a huge bill with no intention to pay for it themselves. Late payments or too much credit can negatively impact your score so you will want to address this right away.

  5. Sign yourself up for credit monitoring
  6. Credit monitoring doesn’t have to cost you. Many free credit monitoring sites will monitor your credit for free. While this won’t let you proactively stop credit fraud, it will alert you if there is a charge on an account that was supposed to be closed or that your spouse should no longer have access to.

  7. Cancel any joint credit accounts
  8. Another important tip is to cancel any joint credit accounts. You should speak to your attorney before doing this, but as long as they sign off on it, you will want to act right away so your spouse cannot rack up any more bills in your name.

For help protecting your finances during a divorce, contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP today!

If you are getting divorced it is essential to protect your finances. While taking active steps to protect your credit while getting divorced is important, it is equally important that you protect yourself in other areas as well. Only by having an experienced family law attorney like Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP on your side can you set yourself up best for the future. We will fight tirelessly to ensure that you get the best settlement possible and that your finances take the least amount of damage possible. Give us a call today at 909-482-1422 to schedule your initial consultation.

To learn more about the reliable and quality family law services that we offer, visit us on the web at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP.