Domestic Violence Attorney in Phillips Ranch CA

You Deserve the Help of an Experienced Domestic Violence Attorney in Phillips Ranch CA

Domestic Violence AttorneyDomestic abuse is treated severely by California law, which provides several safeguards for victims. If you have been the victim of abuse at the hands of a family member or intimate partner, whether physical, emotional, verbal, and/or psychological, you should first contact law enforcement and then a Domestic Violence Attorney in Phillips Ranch CA. It is intended to hold your abuser accountable through criminal and/or civil sanctions.

A Domestic Violence Attorney in Phillips Ranch CA Can Help with Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

You can get immediate help and protection through three types of restraining orders for domestic violence. The first is an Emergency Protective Order, which is issued by law enforcement and valid for 5 days. The second type is a Temporary Restraining Order. It’s generally valid for three weeks and is issued by a family law court. Issues that are not serious enough for the district attorney to take on generally result in this type of restraining order.

The last category is termed a Permanent Restraining Order, however these orders are only in effect for a maximum of five years. If a person violates this type of restraining order, they could be found in contempt of court, face misdemeanor charges, and go to jail for up to one year. You can get help understanding the options and limitations of restraining orders by contacting a domestic violence attorney in Phillips Ranch CA.

Do You Qualify for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order?

Persons who qualify for a domestic violence restraining order include those who have been abused or threatened by someone with whom they have an intimate relationship, or those whose children has been the victim of these actions. These people can be your husband or registered domestic partner, your ex-spouse, your current or past dating, the other parent of your kid, or close family members (by blood or marriage).

Contact Us for a Consultation with a Domestic Violence Attorney in Phillips Ranch CA

At Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, we understand the devastating effect that domestic violence can have on your family and your children. Even if the children are not subjected to abuse directly, they may experience trauma if they see domestic violence committed against you. Child endangerment charges may be brought as a result of this.

Act now to protect yourself and your children by retaining Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell as your domestic violence attorney in Phillips Ranch CA today. As the case moves through the courts, we will start by putting the proper restraining orders in place to offer you the peace of mind you deserve. Call Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422 for a consultation.
