5 Steps to Help Prepare You for an Upcoming Divorce

5 Steps to Help Prepare You for an Upcoming Divorce
Are you planning for a divorce? Whether you are planning to file for divorce or suspect that your partner is, it is important to prepare yourself for what is to come. Here are five ways to prepare yourself for a divorce, including contacting a trusted family law attorney like Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP.  
  1. Gather originals and make copies of important documents
  2. When you are planning to file for divorce or suspect that your partner is going to, it is important to get your life organized. That means gathering up original documents like birth certificates for you—and children if applicable—your passport, social security cards, titles to vehicles, and mortgage documents. You should have the originals, but also make copies and keep them in a safe place with someone you trust. You don’t know how volatile the divorce will be so it is important to protect yourself.    
  3. Get your finances in order
  4. Another important step is to get your finances in order. Have copies of all assets, debts, and gather originals or make copies of bank and credit card statements. You should also gather up documents detailing financial investments and any other pertinent financial records. Spouses can often try to hide assets so it’s a good idea to have records for yourself while you still have access.  
  5. Set realistic expectations
  6. Another thing that is important when heading into a divorce is to be realistic with your expectations. Don’t get your heart set on full custody if your children are young and your spouse is actually a good parent. Also, don’t expect to get your hands on all of their assets easily as the divorce settlement process can be lengthy and require compromise.  
  7. Mentally prepare yourself for a divorce
  8. One of the most important things to do when preparing for a divorce is to get mentally ready for what is to come. Most divorces are not amicable and even if it is, there are going to be a lot of emotions involved in getting divorced. Be aware of those feelings and know how to best process them.  

Contact a reputable family law attorney like Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP

The best way to prepare yourself for divorce is by contacting a reputable family law attorney. At Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP, we have over 30 years of experience as divorce attorneys and would be happy to have a consultation to review your case. We will examine the situation and give you advice on how to best proceed. While it’s important to take the other steps listed above to prepare yourself for a divorce, the best step you can take is contacting an experienced divorce attorney like Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP to fight for you.     To learn more about the family law services we provide, visit us on the web at Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell, LLP.