How to Help Your Child Through Awkward Situations After a Divorce

How to Help Your Child Through Awkward Situations After a Divorce

Going through a divorce is hard enough as an adult but for the children involved, it can be even more difficult. As the parent, there are some things you can do to make it easier for them. Read on for ideas on how to handle awkward situations after a divorce and then contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422 if you need to speak to a divorce attorney.

Helping your child prepare for a change in schedule

It’s common in a divorce that if one parent was able to stay home with the kids, they are no longer able to do so. With both parents working, it can be a challenge to have both or even one of the parents at games, performances, etc. This can make kids feel anxious, especially if they believe that their peers aren’t dealing with the same thing.

The reality is that it mostly takes time to get over this, but you can smooth the transition by communicating with them about when they can expect to see you and what you’ll have to miss. This will manage their expectations and help them to trust that though you can’t be at everything, they can expect to see you at some events.

Helping your child deal with their friends

A child isn’t always sure how to talk to their friends about what’s going on. Depending on how old your child is, you may advise them to give their friends more or less information about the divorce. Of course, you don’t need your children to go into details about the ca use but you can help them understand how to tell their friends that your living situation will be changing. Let your child know that many other children have gone through this process and they’re not alone.

Helping your child through issues at school

Children dealing with the conflicts of divorce, changes in child custody, and other family issues may act out at school. This could lead to behavioral issues or getting lower grades than they used to. In some cases, they may begin bullying people in their class. The best way to handle these situations is to stay in close communication with their parents. Stay ahead of issues and let your child know they can talk to you about anything that’s going on with them.

Keep the line of communication open with your co-parent

No matter what the relationship is between you and your child’s other parent, do your best to keep the line of communication open. You don’t have to be best friends but the process will be easier for everyone if you can put your differences aside when it comes to talking about your child or making decisions for your child.

If you’re in a situation in which you could use the help or advice of a family lawyer then we urge you to contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422 as soon as possible. We are here to provide kind, compassionate, and comprehensive assistance to every client.