Actress Jodie Sweetin Ordered to Pay More in Child Support: What Are Her Options?

Actress Jodie Sweetin Ordered to Pay More in Child Support: What Are Her Options?

Best known as Stephanie Tanner on Full House and Fuller House, Jodie Sweetin has been ordered to pay nearly $3,000 a month in child support to her ex-spouse. Her former husband claims that she made more than $700,000 in income per year, while Sweetin claims that she made less than $500,000. This case is leaving many other parents to wonder: What options are available to a person in this situation? Read on to learn about them and then reach out to Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422 if you need a child support consultation.

Consider how child support is calculated

Before getting into the specifics of this case, it’s important to understand how child support is calculated in California. Parents who divorce must work to find terms for their divorce that they can both agree to. This involves property division, spousal support, child custody, and child support. If they can’t agree then the court will get involved. The court makes decisions on matters affecting the child based on what the court believes is best for the child.

Declarations of income and expenses

When the courts decide how much a spouse should pay in child support, they take into consideration both the income and expenses of both parents. This is done by looking at the Income and Expense Declarations that must be filled out during a divorce. This information is given under oath and providing inaccurate information can result in criminal charges.

California gives both parents obligations

In the state of California, both parents are obligated to provide for their children until they’re 19. When the parents divorce, both are responsible for contributing to welfare of any children. Both parents must understand what their obligations are. The specific amount each parent is responsible for depends on how much they can pay and whether or not they have custody.

For example, if a parent has full custody of a child, then the courts may consider that to satisfy their contribution. On the other hand, a parent who doesn’t have custody would be expected to provide financial help to the child. The courts use a formula that determine what figure would be reasonable for a given couple. The formula takes into consideration how much disposable income both parents have, which of the parents has a higher salary, and which parent has primary custody.

Jodie Sweeden should contact a family law attorney

We don’t have all the details of the Jodie Sweeden case. What we do know is that the father is claiming, which is that Sweeden’s income has either increased or was falsely reported. If either of those are found to be true then it seems likely that she would be responsible for increased child support payments. We hope that she’s contacted an attorney who can make sense of her case. If you’re in a similar position and don’t know what to do, we have the answer for you: Contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422 today.