The 7 Child Custody Tips You Need to Know During a California Divorce

The 7 Child Custody Tips You Need to Know During a California Divorce

In a perfect world, you and your ex would get along perfectly and there would be no need to discuss child custody at all. The two of you would simply agree on what to do and that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. If you’re getting divorced and need to learn more about your personal options, please reach out to Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell at 909-482-1422. Otherwise, read on to learn seven general tips that can help most any parent going through a divorce.

  1. Stick to the custody schedule in your Parenting Plan

  2. It doesn’t matter if your custody is temporary while you’re going through a divorce or it’s permanent and you want to change it, it’s important to always follow the schedule in the Parenting Plan. Don’t cancel when it’s your weekend or your night. The courts may look at this in the future and believe that it shows your kids aren’t your top priority.

  3. Be involved in your child’s life

  4. This includes going to their school-related activities, meeting with their teachers, attending their sports practices or dance classes, etc. If possible, volunteer at their school or become a coach of one of their teams. Anything you can do to be more involved may help you get custody.

  5. Be flexible with your children

  6. When a parent has a very limited amount of time with their child, they don’t want to give up a second of their time for any reason. At Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell we understand this, but we also recommend that if your child wants to do something with their friends on one of “your days,” that you consider letting them go. They’ll be happy and it will demonstrate that you’re flexible.

  7. Don’t introduce your child to a new love interest while the divorce is pending

  8. It’s common for separated spouse to see other people as their divorce is going through the court. Make sure that if you’re doing that, you’re not scheduling a date for a night that you have your kids. We recommend not introducing your kids to them until you’ve either been dating for six months or the divorce is final.

  9. Never use your child against your spouse

  10. Don’t ask your children for information about your spouse. Don’t give your children messages to send to your spouse. Contact Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell and let us pass the message one.

  11. Don’t talk badly about your spouse

  12. Nothing good will come from talking badly about your spouse to your child. Remember that you’re talking about your child’s other parent. Let your children be innocent and keep them out of it altogether.

  13. Don’t plan a move without talking to a California family law attorney

  14. If you’re going to have primarily custody, then you don’t want to move to another state – or even another county – without first discussing it with your attorney. In some cases, you may need the permission of the court. Either way, there’s no better way to make your ex mad than to make plans like this without talking to them. Don’t put custody at risk by keeping your move a secret.

No matter where you are in the process, Kendall Gkikas & Mitchell can help you. Reach out to us today at 909-482-1422 to set up your consultation.